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How does a refrigerator keep the temperature cool inside it?

A most common question How does a refrigerator keep the temperature cool inside it?. The basic idea behind the cooling system of a refrigerator is to move heat from a hotter to a colder location. However, this does not work very well. In order to keep the temperature of a fridge at a stable level, it must have enough energy to do so. To do this, the refrigerator must have enough energy to disperse heat. Therefore, the average refrigerator cannot cool very well.

Refrigerators have coolant, which is pressurized. The sudden drop in pressure causes the liquid coolant to expand and turn into a gas. This is the process of defrosting the freezer. The fridge then releases the heat to the outside by evaporating the water vapor inside it. The refrigerator works like this to keep the temperature at a constant level. However, the main component of the refrigerator is the compressor.

When the refrigerant is in a cold place, it expands to cool the surrounding air. As a result, the liquid coolant loses heat and condenses on the condenser’s wall, which connected to a grill rack-like structure. The refrigerant then travels through the insulation of the fridge to reach the condenser. The liquid refrigerant then dissipated to cool the freezer. This is how does a refrigerator keep the temperature cool inside it?.

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